Mini Cutting Mill
Reproducible sample preparation is paramount for analyzing moisture, raw fiber, ash, minerals, trace elements, metals and so much more. NIR and reference analysis are dependent upon the quality of the sample preparation.
If you are searching for an affordable, high-quality method to obtain representative samples with homogeneous analytical fineness, look no further. The minimal footprint, coupled with a maximum feed size of 25mm make the PULVERISETTE 29 Mini Cutting Mill your ideal processing tool for small volumes of grain, food pellets, seeds, spices, select plastics and a range of other materials. Used for comminution of medium-hard, soft, brittle, tough, fibrous, tough-elastic as well as temperature-sensitive materials.
When preparing materials for analysis that depend upon minimal to no moisture loss, a requirement for feed and raw materials, you will find that the P29 offers ideal techniques to maintain sample integrity.
The material’s brittleness and the sieve’s aperture govern the final fineness. Sieve inserts between 0.25 and 6 mm are available and offer flexibility. Choose only what you need and freely select the sieves that best suit your methods. Variable speed adjustment between 500-6000 rpm yields the optimal cutting speed required to produce the ideal sample.
Up to 48,000 cutting processes per minute are possible with the hardened stainless steel cutting tools. The shearing action minimizes heat creation. The rotor can be turned, which doubles the lifespan of the cutting tool. This user-friendly mill has a smooth interior making it easy to clean.
Agriculture/Analytical/Botany/ICP-MS/Fertilizer/NIR/Pharmaceuticals/Plant Pathology/Plastics/Soil Science/Food Stuffs

Universal Cutting Mills
The Universal Cutting Mill PULVERISETTE 19 for comminution of dry, soft to hard, tough to brittle, fibrous as well as temperature-sensitive materials. Variable speed adjustment on two models with 300-3000 rpm or 50-700 rpm allow control to achieve fast and effective pre-milling, de-agglomeration, and fine comminution. The sample material is reduced according to the cutting principle of scissors, quick successive interactions of sharp rotor edges, past the fixed counter knives, before passing the sieve cassette at the bottom of the chamber. Final particle size is determined by the selection of the sieve cassette size, material properties, and system configuration. High throughput milling of food, feed, agricultural materials, metals, electronics, secondary fuel wastes, and more.
The PULVERISETTE 19 LARGE is our powerful Universal Cutting Mill for fast, reproducible comminution of hard, tough-elastic, temperature sensitive materials, and plastics. Expanded material handling capabilities with a feed size of 120 x 85 mm, plus increased chamber and cutting surface areas. The solution for all cases where thermal damage, the loss of highly volatile substances, or an excessively high fine share need to be avoided. This mill is also ideal for RoHS tests and secondary fuels.
With the instrument design and the materials used, it is possible to commute pre-cooled materials or samples embrittled with liquid nitrogen in the cutting mills. This improved breaking behavior enables efficient comminution also of sticky, tough-elastic or temperature-sensitive materials with dry ice or embrittlement of the sample with liquid nitrogen.
Pharmaceuticals/Plastics/Textiles/Agriculture/Forestry/Environment/ROHS/Analytical/Construction Materials/Automotive/Chemistry/Biology/Food Stuff

Cutting Mill
The Cutting Mill PULVERISETTE 15 for comminution of dry sample materials with soft to medium-hard consistency, for fibrous materials or cellulosic materials, as well as for sample preparation according to RoHS with a feed size of 70 x 70 mm and a throughput quantity of up to 50l/h. The cutting rotor ensures a high air throughput, fast processing and reproducible results.
Plastics/Textiles/Agriculture/Forestry/Environment/ROHS/Analytical/Construction Materials/Chemistry/Food Stuff

USA Headquarters
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
57 Grant Drive, Suite G
Pittsboro, NC, 27312
Phone + 1 919 229 0599
Email: info@fritsch-us.com
Send us your sample. We conduct a sample grinding and recommend the right device for your application.
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