Fritsch Milling and Sizing


Jaw Crushers for pre-crushing of very hard, hard, medium-hard, brittle, tough and temperature-sensitive materials. The sample is crushed under high pressure between one fixed and one movable crushing jaw. Disk Mills are used for fine grinding of medium particle sizes of soft to hard, brittle and temperature-sensitive solids. The material to be ground is comminuted by pressure and shearing action between two counteracting grinding disks with coarse interlocking teeth. The Vibrating Cup Mill is ideal for fast grinding of soft to hard, brittle, tough, fibrous and moist materials down to analytical fineness. Grinding is performed by oscillations of the grinding set on a vibrating plate with extremely high pressure, impact forces and friction. All instruments have a variety of grinding set material types.

PULVERISETTE 1 Jaw Crusher Classic Line Model 1 & 2


Jaw Crusher Classic Line Model 1 & 2

The Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line Model 1 has a maximum feed size of 60 mm and a maximum continuous throughput of up to 140 kg/h depending on material and gap adjustment. Model II has a maximum feed size of 95 mm and a maximum continuous throughput of up to 200 kg/h depending on the material and gap adjustment. Jaw Crushers are used for pre-crushing of very hard, hard, medium-hard, brittle, tough and temperature-sensitive materials. The sample is crushed under high pressure between one fixed and one movable crushing jaw. The grinding parts are available in various steel types, hard metal tungsten carbide, and zirconium oxide to prevent undesired abrasion. Grinding samples batchwise or continuous and even ferrous alloys are no problem for this instrument.

Mining / Geology / Mineralogy / Soil Research / Chemical/ Glass Industry / Automotive / Aerospace / Energy / Electronics

PULVERISETTE 13 Disk Mill Premium Line


Disk Mill Premium Line

The Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 Disk Mill Premium Line, fine grinding of hard-brittle to medium-hard solids down to 0.05mm. Achieve consistent particle size distribution with easy to operate, motor-driven grinding gap adjustment and digital display that indicates all of the parameters. The sample material is ground by pressure and shearing action between two counteracting grinding disks with coarse interlocking teeth. The material automatically falls down through the preset grinding gap into the collection drawer. Extra safe with secure, automatic locking mechanism between collecting vessel and grinding chamber. Achieve reproducible procedures and material results by simply adjusting the digital setting of the gap width.

Glass / Ceramics / Mining / Metallurgy / Geology / Mineralogy / Soil Research / Chemical Industry



Disk Mill Classic Line

The Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line grinding of up to 150 kg per hour of hard-brittle and medium-hard solids. The maximum feed size per piece is approximately 20 mm edge length, the final fineness is manually adjustable between 12 mm and 0.1 mm. The material is ground by pressure and shearing action between two counteracting grinding disks with coarse interlocking teeth. The ground material automatically falls down through a pre-set grinding gap into the collection drawer. The desired final fineness can be defined from the outside by manually changing the gap width.

Glass / Ceramics / Mining / Metallurgy / Geology / Mineralogy / Soil Research / Chemical Industry

PULVERISETTE 9 Vibrating Cup Mill


Vibrating Cup Mill

The Vibrating Cup Mill PULVERISETTE 9 offers many solutions in all industries in which hard, brittle and fibrous material must be ground extremely fast down to analytical fineness. Mill is powerful, quiet, simple to operate, quick to clean, has a well-conceived drive concept, and the grinding set is user friendly to install. Grinding is performed by horizontal circular oscillations of the grinding set on a vibrating plate. Comminute your sample with a grinding set consisting of ring and puck. Extremely high pressure, impact forces, and friction shorten reduction times. In this form of grinding, the transmission of forces onto the grinding sample is much more important than the pure motor power.

Glass / Ceramics / Mining / Metallurgy / Geology / Mineralogy / Soil Research / Chemical Industry

USA Headquarters
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.

57 Grant Drive, Suite G
Pittsboro, NC, 27312

Phone + 1 919 229 0599

Send us your sample. We conduct a sample grinding and recommend the right device for your application.


Send us a sample submission to find the perfect instrument configuration for your application.

FRITSCH offers a wide selection of high-performance mills, particle size and shape analysis instruments in various product groups for every application and every specific need: Planetary Mills, Ball Mills, Cutting Mills, Knife Mill, Rotor and Beater Mills, Jaw Crushers, Disk Mills, Mortar Grinders, Laser Particle Analysis, Dynamic Image Analysis, Sieving, Sample Feeding & Dividing.
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