Mortar Grinder
The Mortar Grinder PULVERISETTE 2 is a universal grinder in the laboratory, for analysis, quality control, research & development, and materials testing. Commonly used for the mixing, compounding, and homogenization of pastes and creams on a laboratory scale. Working as an automated mortar and pestle, it ensures repeatable results regardless of the user. Its gentle grinding, imparts minimal to no thermal load and is also ideal for the preparation of tablets in galenic applications. Using liquid nitrogen, it cryogenically grinds difficult-to-mill samples with moist, fibrous, tacky, fatty, or elastic structures. The mill is well suited for mixing of solids or liquids and solids. With brief grinding and mixing times and a secure sample chamber, it offers quick, loss and dust free operation. For final fineness of between 10 and 20 μm, with a feed size of 6 – 8 mm and a max. sample quantity of up to 190 ml.
Pharmaceuticals/ Foodstuffs/ Chemistry/ Glass/ Ceramics/ Agriculture/ Forestry/ Geology/ Mineralogy/ Mining/ Metallurgy/Cosmetics

USA Headquarters
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
57 Grant Drive, Suite G
Pittsboro, NC, 27312
Phone + 1 919 229 0599
Email: info@fritsch-us.com
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