Static Light Scattering
Perfect for particle sizing from 0.01 to 3800 µm.
- ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT– Select the most ideal laser diffraction, particle size analyzer from two ranges to meet your requirement.
- ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro – measuring range of 0.5 – 1500 μm for particle size distribution analysis.
- ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Nano – measuring range of 0.01 – 3800 μm is expanded for maximum precision and sensitivity.
Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA)
Particle shape and size analysis in a wide measuring range 5 µm - 20 mm.
- ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer is ideal for particle shape and size analysis of powders and bulk solids as well as emulsions and suspensions.
What is laser diffraction particle size analysis?
Laser diffraction particle size analysis is a non-destructive technique used to determine the size distribution of particles in a sample. In this technique, a laser beam is passed through the sample and the light scattering pattern generated by the particles is measured using a detector array. The principle behind laser particle size analysis is that particles scatter light according to their size. Smaller particles scatter light at larger angles, while larger particles scatter light at smaller angles. The scattering pattern is analyzed mathematically to determine the particle size distribution.
The laser diffraction technique, also known as Static Light Scattering (SLS), can be used to determine the particle size distribution of a wide range of materials, including powders, suspensions, and emulsions. The measurement range typically varies from a few nanometers to several millimeters depending on the instrument used.
Laser diffraction can analyze a wide range of particle sizes and it can be used for both wet and dry samples. The advantages of laser diffraction particle size analysis include fast analysis times, high reproducibility, and ease of use. It is a widely used technique in a variety of industries including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemicals, polymers, geology, materials sciences, and environmental monitoring.
What is Dynamic Image Analysis?
The optical process of Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) provides results for a wide measuring range, delivers multiple shape parameters and evaluation possibilities for particle size. Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) uses a high-end camera and LED light source to capture images of particles as they free flow in front of the camera lens and LED. In the event that particles have an tendency to agglomerate or are not free flowing the particles can be suspended in solution and circulated through a wet dispersion module. This is an ideal technique for all applications that require accurate and reproducible measuring results for both particle shape and size distribution of powders and bulk solids as well as of suspensions and emulsions.
Then using powerful software algorithms, a computer will calculate measurements that provide size information for different length and width models, diameters and perimeters. In addition to providing information that describes the particle shapes such as sphericity, aspect ratio, and convexity. Images of the particles can also be viewed in the Particle Gallery to provide additional analysis and insight into the size and morphology of the particles.
Compared to traditional sieve methods, Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) offers a number of valuable process improvements. DIA is consistently stable between measurements and over time, removing risk of individual operator bias, manual calculations, and sieving result inaccuracy (or curve shift) based on degradation and misalignment of sieve screen openings. Dynamic Image Analysis saves considerable time over sieving, while reducing or eliminating costly errors, especially in high throughput processes or when working with staff resource constraints. Limitations on resolution are directly related to the number of sieve pans that can be stacked on a manual sieve shaker. DIA offers endless numbers of channels for significantly expanded particle size distribution data, with a much broader sample volume that is representative of your material.
The conversion from sieving related to size distribution, and microscopy (SIA) for morphology, analysis allows for enhancements in regulatory compliance and offers a number of improvements to benefit your business and staff. Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) is an excellent replacement for sieving as it provides for faster and reproducible results.

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FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
57 Grant Drive, Suite G
Pittsboro, NC, 27312
Phone + 1 919 229 0599
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